A Sunday to myself

Devinder Maheshwari
2 min readOct 28, 2017


It’s been long since I sat down and relaxed a little. The weekdays are dedicated to the work, which of-course I love and the weekends is for the love who of-course I love a lot but in all that time, I miss talking to myself.. not literally but you get the point, right? But today, I’ve got a chance to do some introspection so I decided to jot down a few things here on Medium.

There are a few things I’ve always wanted to do but never got to do them. For starters, I’ve always wanted those crazy muscles on my body that’d scare the shit out of everyone who I cross paths with, but I couldn’t continue gym more than 2 months in a go which is obviously not helping the cause.

A couple of months back, I did get the courage to visit a gym but that turned out to be my shortest stint ever. It only lasted a day, and that too, not for exercising but for knowing the pricing and plans, which could have easily been done over phone.. just saying!

One thing that’s stopping me is that I have no one to go to the gym with, because I always seek company for almost everything.. especially the important things, and gym is one such thing. I so want to change this habit of mine!

That said, I’ll definitely update you guys here if I ever go to the gym. And you can expect those infamous ‘before and after’ photos too. I hope!

Second thing is joining the ‘Toastmasters’ club of Delhi. I’ve been delaying this for eternity now. It doesn’t require me to wake up early in the morning, neither does it ask for too much of my time, but it does ask for a few hours on Saturday which is something very tough for me to commit since Saturdays are always the busiest because of the interviews. So, I don’t really know how to make time for this activity.

I somehow feel that if I can do these two things regularly with discipline for next six months, I’ll be a better person both physically and mentally.

The only question is when will I start? Keep reading this blog to stay updated.

Good night guys! :)

