Can I go back and do what I didn't do?

Devinder Maheshwari
2 min readMay 11, 2015


I miss college, friends and the fun we used to have. If I knew life would be a lonely journey right after college, I would have enjoyed more and cared less. But, at the time, I didn't know and now I am left with regrets.

Honestly, right after college when I joined a company I was placed in, It was really nice time. Got to see Chennai, Pondicherry and Mumbai. Got drunk, went to dates, did amazing stuff with friends, and what not.

It is something, I hated at that time but I miss those moments now. Strange, isn't it?

The reason I hated that time is because I always wanted to run a company of my own but I didn't know startup is a lonely journey. I had no fucking clue of it.

It’s been more than a year, I had nothing interesting going on in my life. Fuck it! When I see my friends enjoying their life, their pictures floating around on my Facebook wall, I feel good and at bad at the same time. Fuck it.

Actually, I don’t feel good. I just feel bad. I am being brutally honest here!

Fuck! I want to kill someone. I don’t even have words to express my feelings. I just don’t like it. It’s fucking disaster.

Every-time I try to change it, it fires back and then I decide, I won’t even try.

It has happened several times and now, I am really pissed.

I can’t even think properly. I have no single friend in the city who I can discuss with, who I can drink with, who I can tell that dude, I am just pissed!

And when you have nothing, you have the fucking Internet.

On Internet too, I choose the place where no one can read my blog post!

Lulz :D (I am hilarious!)

Alright, I guess I am feeling okay now. May be, because I am hungry or may be because I can’t do anything about the situation since it isn’t under my control.

Whatever it is! I am so over it! I really want something exciting in my life.

It’s a been a while, I am sober. Things need to change, and change for the better.

For now, I’ll cook myself a bowl of Maggi, eat the fuck out of it and try to sleep.

Hope no one reads it.

Note: If you read it, just keep it to yourself. And don’t judge me. I just had a bad day!

A fucking bad day. Alright?

But I wish you have a great day. (No, I don’t really wish it. I am just saying it so that you feel nice).

PS. My phone’s autocorrect changes pissed to kissed. (Even my phone’s pulling my leg! I am not yet done with humans)

I’ll have to cook now, and eat something otherwise I’ll die. I am so sensitive to hunger. See!

Finally, I am going to hit publish and hope no one reads it.

Again, if you are reading this sentence. Just read it and forget about it. That’s how it works!

Good fucking night.

