Our Country Needs A JOKER!

Devinder Maheshwari
3 min readDec 8, 2019


Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there? — JOKER Movie quote.

This quote pretty much sums up the current situation of India. I never felt so agitated, so helpless, and so scared all at the same time.

I am not able to sleep properly for the past few days. All I think about is those heinous crimes. It breaks my heart. In India, a Jungle is more safer for a woman than any of the metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Noida or Hyderabad and for an issue of such magnificence, we’re not doing enough. In-fact, we’re fighting over silly (yes I said it, it’s silly and childish) things like Ram Mandir. I mean, seriously? Does it even matter? We were taught in the school that ‘God is One’! Does it not hold true when you grow up? If ‘integrity’ is what we were in the school all along, why is it not practiced in the real life? The ‘intellect’ of Indian Government, policymakers, and religious gurus should not fight over such issues rather they should bring out the richness of our religions and diversity so that the youth of this nation can be inspired and guided in the right direction, which is the need of the hour.

India has a lot of ‘real’ issues to solve but instead of doing that the government is busy planning for next State elections and so on. I just don’t understand this one thing, if every year, we’re going to have 2–3 State Assembly elections, how on earth will the Government be able to serve the people properly? They won’t have time to discuss the nation’s development instead they will be busy discussing how can they win the next state elections and so on; and very little will be left for serving the nation for which they were appointed in the first place.

Sir Modi has to do a lot of rallies for every election in the country and he’ll of-course do it on the expense of his office time as PMO. At such a huge responsibility at hand, the Prime Minister should rather concentrate on running this country properly. We elected him to serve the country and that is all he should do.

Now it’s easy to put blame on the system for what’s going on in the country and it’s very easy to write a blog post like this to vent out the emotions but it’s not helping you, neither does it help me nor it helps the country. So, why am I writing this?

Well, I don’t know. I genuinely have no idea why do I feel the need to write about this. It’s a worrying situation and I just can’t get it out of my head. I want to do something about this but I don’t really know where to begin?

So, if you feel like me, and would like to connect and maybe discuss these issues in detail, I am all ears.

Let’s just make our country a better place to live and prosper. Even a small step can go a long way, if we keep at it.

Our women, our farmers and our country deserves better.

Let’s just all become ‘JOKERS’ and put an end to the miseries of people who were deprived of the justice that they rightfully deserve.

Let’s do something about it.


